Upcoming UPPO Events: Holders' Seminar and (Non-Delaware) VDA Seminar
The Unclaimed Property Professionals' Organization, the premiere trade group for holders of unclaimed property is holding its next Holders' Seminar on August 14-15 in Chicago, Illinois. The Holders' Seminar features a
wealth of information on unclaimed property topics, and features both
"beginner" and "intermediate" educational tracks. More information can
be found on the UPPO website, here.
For those of you who can't make the trip to Chicago, on July 25th, UPPO is hosting a webinar on "VDAs: Everything but Delaware." Although the "First-Staters" out there may be loathe to admit it, there are other states out there. (Really, they have flags and state birds, and everything). For those of you with questions about voluntary disclosure and amnesty arrangements in places other than Delaware, UPPO has you covered. Registration information can be found here.
For those of you who can't make the trip to Chicago, on July 25th, UPPO is hosting a webinar on "VDAs: Everything but Delaware." Although the "First-Staters" out there may be loathe to admit it, there are other states out there. (Really, they have flags and state birds, and everything). For those of you with questions about voluntary disclosure and amnesty arrangements in places other than Delaware, UPPO has you covered. Registration information can be found here.